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What we are

SOLA Decodertech-based isNFT aproject, suitewhich recently got acquired by Communi3 and part of tools to find new mints and judge hype of existing mints / NFTs. It is a website with a "Google-like" search engine for SOL NFTs, with automated alerting capabilities for talked about mints, a daily mint schedule, and features/alerts to help manage your whitelist tokens with Fox Token Market. The Discord interacts with all of this data though over a dozen bots, many of which any server can use in the near future.C3.

The website hasand tools provide a search engine andthat graphicgathers capabilitiesDATA when you search againstfrom private (paid) DAO Discord channels (currently 15+ of them worth several hundred SOL), as well as dozens ofchannels, Twitter accounts. It provides a search page that searches all of them, while also providing graphs to see how often that search term was talked about over time.

We also store all of the whitelist tokens from Fox Token Market,accounts, and provideweb3 variouscompanies, quality-of-life features (such as oneMagic clickEden, to see all of the WL tokens onFamous Fox Token MarketFederation, and theirothers.


The onDATA 3is ofused yourin wallets,different tools we have built for ETH & SOL, such as alerts/calls, alpha, charts, graphs, evaluation, hyperlinks, and alertskeyword onsearching. new tokens added to your wallet) and price history charts on them. A daily mint schedule is automatically updated on bothBesides the website and Discord,discord, ityou showscan download our app in the numberAndroid and Apple stores. ( Attached: Overview graphic of Discord/Twittertools, followers,with shorts explanations )

We have built tech calledSeamless, a revolutionary whitelist distribution platform that is used by +300 projects and showsdistributed theirover Twitter8.000 interaction.spots to over 1.900 users. We have also built a tool to grow and built your community/project called "Engage-2-earn", which can be used by other DAOs too.

TheWith a team of +10 developers and over +20 Discord containsstaff manymembers, automatedwe botsare suchconsistently asbuilding, theupdating dailyour mint schedule, pings when multiple discords link a new mint, feeds of new Discord invitestechnology/tools, and publicproviding giveaways, and feeds showing when Fox Token Market adds a new namesupport to a token or when a user adds a custom name to a token. Also available are bots users can use on demand, such as seeing the price/listings/price chart of any whitelist token, seeing all ofDAO the& priceCommunity information on whitelist tokens in any wallet, getting mint details of a URL containing a live mint, and seeing the last 10 results of any search term you give it, across our vast database.

In development since December with hundreds of users, everything is live now and free to use before mint, with near daily updates and soon to come Apple and Android apps.members.

Learn More - General Overview

Site Overview

Discord Overview

Seamless Overview (our whitelisting tool)

Learn More - Discord Bots


DAO Installation

In Discord Minting Bot

Learn More - Engage 2 Earn

DAO Setup

User Overview