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Engage 2 Earn - User overview

Engage 2 Earn - User overview

Learn how to use the SOL Decoder engage-2-earn tools. These tools can be added to any Discord - simply join our Discord and open a ticket -


  • Chat to gain XP! Each message gives 1 XP, and on a cooldown so you can't spam


  • When a new user sign up for this, they must link their Twitter with their Discord in Sol Decoder's Website
  • Like and Retweet your DAO's official twitter and you will receive XP, and complete two daily quests


Get extra XP by complete quests such as:
- Reacting to an Announcement
- Send a specific message in chat, and also chatting once per day
- Liking & Retweeting tweets


with others and be rewarded:
  • XP is fed into a weekly leaderboard (for each unique Discord that uses it, and a global leaderboard across all Discords)
  • See the leaderboard by typing /leaderboard in your bot commands channel


  • Get enough XP and you'll "level up" (gain a role in this Discord). If you level up again, you will lose the previous role, and gain the next role
  • Many Discords using this have 50 roles to level up to, with each new level having its own icon. Compete against others to be the highest rank!


  • You can check your Level either in the Discord or on our website at


  • Use this in a new Mint server and automatically get awarded whitelist for engaging!


  • Use this in a post mint Discord, or in a DAO and be rewarded with SOL / tokens / NFTs, etc...!


Bot Commands:

Check out our bot commands on what to type in your server:

You can check the status of all your quests with this command.image-1663862145661.png

Use this command when the Twitter account linked to this Discord has tweeted, so that you can claim the XP.

See how much XP you have within the Discord.

See who's on top of the weekly leaderboard.



I can't sync my Twitter XP
Go to the twitter account your Discord has, and like / retweet their most recent tweet (not a retweet, and not a quote retweet).
Go to and login with your Twitter. 
Click the "Claim Tweet XP" button at the top, or go to the bot command channel in your Discord and type /claim.

Other restrictions:
- Only the last 4 day's of tweets work
- Only tweets made since the Discord enabled the engage-2-earn package work
- Only actual tweets work (not a retweet, and not a quote retweet)
- It only pulls your last 25 likes, and last 25 retweets. If you spam like/retweet while scrolling down the twitter feed and going back in time by a few weeks, then it won't pick up the recent tweets so nothing will count
- For the daily quests, if you want complete them everyday then the Twitter has to tweet everyday - liking / retweeting only counts once

My Twitter XP still doesn't work
1) Open a ticket on the SOL Decoder discord
2) Take a screenshot of the page, showing which Twitter you've linked. Paste it into the ticket
3) In the ticket, tell us which tweet you tried to like & RT
4) Type /claim in the ticket

We will then make sure that Twitter recently liked the Tweet you are trying to get XP for, etc...
Note you can often wait the cooldown and try claiming again, to see if it will work