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Engage 2 Earn - User overview


What's the ALPHA on SOL Decoder? Something's on BETA!

Let's cut to the chase - we don't want our efforts wasted. Even better when it's rewarded, right? Fret not - at long last we've deployed the CHAT-2-EARN and RAID-2-EARN features to our Discord server, and will be testing it with a small amount of users for a soft start. Official launch will be announced sooner than you think. 

CHAT-2-EARN features include the following:
  • Use those fingers Chat in ・general or・alpha-chat to instantly gain Experience Points (XP) which is worth 1 XP per chat message
  • Hey there competitive spirits XP is fed into a weekly leaderboard (for each unique Discord that uses it, and a global leaderboard across all Discords). Soon you'll be able to see this leaderboard through our Discord bots, and through the website.
  • No way but up, fam Get enough XP and you'll "level up" (gain a role in this Discord). If you level up again, you will lose the previous role, and gain the next role
  • YOU-nique! Each role has a unique name and icon. There are 50 roles to work towards. When other Discords use this, they can customize each of these
  • Incentivizing at its finest At the end of each week, we'll have a giveaway in ・wl-giveaways that only the higher ranking roles that week can enter. We'll be giving away our NFT, as well as SOL to the winners each week

    We've also temporarily made a cease on・holder-chat read only, in order to focus the chat 2 earn features to just be in ・general and ・alpha-chat

RAID-2-EARN features include the following:


  • Like a tweet posted by to gain 10 XP (may take up to 15 minutes for it process but soon it would be instant) 
  • Retweet a tweet to gain 10 XP
  • To have your Discord / Twitter linked, you must (currently) go onto Seamless ( where you can login to both
  • When other Discords sign up for this, they must link their Twitter with their Discord
  • which can be done via Seamless as well (through making a Seamless profile for their Discord)

Our next steps:

1) Testing the Daily Quest features on the website
2) Opening up the features to all SOL Decoder discord members
3) Later having other Discords use all of these features on their own Discords (for a price)
4) Adding tons of features to all of the above aspects

Towards a better SOLANA Ecosystem, we shall build

Yours truly,
SOL Decoder