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8 total results found

Discord Bots: An Overview


Our premise has been clear from the very start - to build tools and create utilities that can elevate a trader's experience in the Solana Ecosystem. It is with pride and honor that we present to you SOL Decoder's tools. SETUP - To setup the tool follow thes...



What we are We are a tech-based NFT project, with a website and bots to help users generate Alpha. We also have alpha generating Discord bots anyone can add, including Engage-2-Earn and WL tools. We've recently integrated OpenAI chat bots with Discord, and ar...

Discord Overview


Below is a summary of our private Discord channels. These are locked down behind ownership of the NFT. "Decoder Tools" channels are for those who hold 1 of the NFTs  - holder-chat - Talk about whatever with fellow holders- alpha-chat - Talk NFTs and get/give...

Website Overview


First released in December 2021, our website is live at, and has since been used by hundreds of users. In order to gain access, you will have to be within our Discord and with a proper role (before the mint you can assign yourself a rol...

In Discord Minting Bot


This bot is for only SOL's Candy Machine V2 and mints. Discord users can mint NFTs through Discord commands:/buy cmid: XXXX private_key: XXXX amount: X custom_rpc: XXXX (optional) /lmnft url: XXXX private_key: XXXXX amount: X custom_rp...

Engage 2 Earn - User overview


Engage 2 Earn - User overview Learn how to use the SOL Decoder engage-2-earn tools. These tools can be added to any Discord - simply join our Discord and open a ticket - CHAT-2-EARN Chat to gain XP! Each message gives 1 XP, a...



Setting Up the Bot This will install the engage 2 earn package in your Discord - you can read more about it here - To use this, you must:1) Have the role in the SOL Decoder Discord, with you holding...

Quiplash - A Party Game


Hello there, fun-seekers, and welcome to the most hilariously entertaining corner of your Discord server! If you're a fan of witty banter, clever comebacks, and unexpected humor, you've come to the right place. We're talking about QuipLash, the quintessential ...