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Site Overview

First released in December 2021, our website is live at, and has since been used by hundreds of users. In order to gain access, you will have to be within our Discord and with a proper role (before the mint you can assign yourself a role in the #self-roles discord channel to get access, and after mint you'll have to hold the NFT to have the role).

Below is an overview of our current modules:
- Search bar - Searching across Discord / Twitter
- Today's Mints - Autonomous page that lists all of the mints for that day
- WL Token Market - Tracking WL tokens listed on Fox Token Market
- Mint Stats - Viewing statistics on mints we automatically alerted
- Stacked Line Search - Graphing multiple words against each other to judge popularity / hype

Search bar
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How to use this page to gain an edge:
- Perform one search, instantly get results from over 10 discords worth 250+ SOL. You no longer need to hop around multiple discords to just the hype of an upcoming mint or one of your existing NFTs. Lots of bullish messages from several discords will usually lead to a hyped mint ... and seeing hardly any posts about an NFT you minted two weeks ago could mean little demand (thus a slow decline in price)

Today's Mints

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Clicking on "Today's Mints" (in the sidebar) shows a page to view info on mints releasing today (all info. is automatically populated)
- Projects must have > 2,000 Discord members and > 1,000 Twitter followers before showing up on the list
- "# Tweet Interactions" gets an average of the Comments / Likes / Retweets (over the last 5 tweets), and adds them
- You can search through the table in the top right, and page through the data on the bottom right

How to use this page to gain an edge:
- With 20-40 mints coming out everyday - you need only pay attention to the most followed ones (those with most discord / twitter followers), and you can combine it with a search in the website to judge their hype. If they have a high follow count & high hype from search, and optionally if they have a lower supply, then more often than not it leads to a good mint.

WL Token Market

- View information about the Fox Token Market website, which is used to buy and sell whitelist tokens for upcoming mints

Mint Stats

- The above shows price updates / summaries from #🎲|mint-alerts-automated , so you can see how we did in the past

Stacked Line Search 

- When on the home page, use the above to compare multiple words (ie. multiple NFTs) against each other, using all the messages from the several Discords we pull from
- Very useful for plugging in several things in the morning, and seeing which NFT is most hyped