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Site & App Overview

What we are: A website that interacts with discord messages & tweets, shows daily mints, and interacts with Fox Token Market

- **Search on an NFT to see what several discords / twitters posted about it**. You no longer need to hop around multiple discords to just the hype of an upcoming / current / one of your existing NFTs. Lots of bullish messages from several discords will usually lead to a hyped mint ... while barely seeing any posts about an NFT you minted two weeks ago could mean little demand thus a slow decline in price

- Above is after you do a search from the header, to see charts and messages across all the Discords
- Click on any message to see the messages around it, as well as scroll through that Discord feed
- You can hide the chart, and for that browser it will be permanently hidden

View information about mints releasing today

- View information about the Fox Token Market website, which is used to buy and sell whitelist tokens for upcoming mints

- The above shows price updates / summaries from #🎲|mint-alerts-automated , so you can see how we did in the past

- When on the home page, use the above to compare multiple words (ie. multiple NFTs) against each other, using all the messages from the several Discords we pull from
- Very useful for plugging in several things in the morning, and seeing which NFT is most hyped