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This will install the engage 2 earn package in your Discord - you can read more about it here -

To use this, you must:
1) Have the role in the SOL Decoder Discord, with you holding the right number of NFTs
2) In your Discord, have manage server or admin permission

Start by going to "our Add Bots page" on the SOL Decoder website. At the top, click the link to invite the Bot to your Discord. Click "Add" underneath your server. It is recommended that you then setup the rest of our Alpha Discord bots, as seen here.

You can then enable the "Engage 2 Earn" package. After enabling, Please click the Sol Decoder bot link with additional permissions, on the bottom of the page, to update the Bot with additional permissions (circled below).


You must also add the SOL Decoder bot to each of the channels it will use, having read only permission for announcement / chat channels. For the channel where users will use the bot commands, add it their with (1) the SOL Decoder role having send message / embed links permission, and (2) Regular users having "Application Commands" permission

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If you wish to have users get XP for liking / retweeting your tweets, then you need to fill out the Existing DAO Seamless profile, seen on the top of the page. We need your Twitter account linked, for users to know which Twitter to like & retweet.

Discord XP Channels

Lets start setting it all up now! Start by clicking the "Manage Discord XP Channels" button, on the top of the "Engage 2 Earn" setup panel. Channels you select here will make your users gain XP when chatting.

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XP amounts

You can change the amount of XP users get for liking a tweet and retweeting a tweet (we recommend 10 XP for liking, and 10 XP for retweeting).
You can also customize the amoutn of XP each quest gives. We recommend 5 XP here.
Note that they will get 1 XP per chat message.

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Enable quests for your server based on your preferences and tap on "Configure" to set the channels where needed.

Note for twitter quests: --- you must make a new tweet and wait 15 minutes. Any old tweets (from before you set it up) will NOT work if you claim XP. Additionally, only new tweets are claimable - not retweets, not quote retweets, not comments.


When configuring the module for the first time, tap on the button that looks like below to configure roles:


Once you clicked that, you'll see something like the picture below:


You can either create roles of your choosing or leave roles empty to generate roles automatically (50 roles are generated based on BF4 Ranks).

Once you've created the roles, make sure they all show up in your Discord. Note the icons won't work unless your server is boosted to level 2. Also, make sure the roles are moved higher than other roles with icons in the Discord list so that they will show up when people chat. People like leveling up and showing off roles!

Important Note: The Sol Decoder bot should be in the channel and  you have to check the application command in everyone.




Sync Roles

Though unlikely, it can happen sometimes that your guild members don't get the role matching their current level. To sync the roles of all your guild members, use the "Sync Levels" button.


you also know you cost me 7 sol for your hack


Website feature:

Where to log in your twitter?


Click engage 2 earn page and you will see the twitter log in box. 

Where can I see the leaderboard in the website?


On the upper left side you can see the leaderboard below your twitter id.


Bot Commands

You can check the quests that you already did or haven't done yet.


Use this command when your official DAO tweeted so you can claim your xp.

You will know your total exp

You can check who’s on top of the leaderboard


How to earn XP?

These are the possible quests you can get in Engage 2 Earn. Most of them are self-explanatory - with more details below. You can enable or disable any quest you like.

  • React to an announcement


    •  by reacting you will gain xp also you can react on previous announcements
  • Chat in general chat 
    • there's a cool down button so spammers wont gain xp from just typing  



  • Use some special phrases in chat. You can edit it in the setup in the "Manage Phrases" section. Put whatever phrase you want, and when users type that phrase, they'll complete the quest


  • Retweet a tweet from your official DAO twitter page.
  • Like a tweet from your official DAO twitter page
    • IMPORTANT NOTE for twitter like and retweet: New tweets don't get tracked immediately, it's done automatically every 15 min. After a new tweet comes out, use /claim after 15 minutes to get the xp.


Okay everything is installed, how can I test it, before sending it to users? Here are steps to help you on that!

1) First go to look for your DAO click add and register seamless change it to your personal twitter account. Note: Once all the test is done and successful you can just do this again and replace it with your DAO official twitter.
2) Make a tweet. Then just like and RT your own tweet. 
3) Wait 15 mins. Do the other quests first
4) Type /xp in a channel meant for bot commands, note your XP
4) Type any message in your chat channel that you chose to track chat XP
5) Now type /xp again and make sure it went up by 1
6) React to an announcement (given you enabled this quest and set it to your announcements channel). Make sure your /xp went up appropriately
5) Type /quests - once you can see the mark it means it's working
6) Type /claim once 15 mins is up, as now your new tweet is ready to be claimed
7) Type /quests make sure the like & retweet twitter quests showed up with a  mark 
8) Type /xp to make sure everything went up appropriately
9) If you received enough XP to be level one, check the channel where it alerts users of level ups. Make sure it said it leveled you up
10) Make sure you have the role for your new level (and make sure the SOL Decoder bot is higher on the list than other roles)
11) Once all quests are checked off, you can go back to the Seamless profile page and change it to your official Twitter

What is the purpose of the Discord roles?
We congratulate people on participating engage 2 earn by giving roles on how much XP are you gaining everyday

Why are the like and retweet quests not working?
You must make a new tweet AFTER enabling the engage-2-earn. As written in the first FAQ - we recommend using your own personal twitter so you can freely tweet to test it.
After tweeting, you have to wait 15 minutes for that tweet to be tracked. After waiting you may use the /claim command to get your XP and complete the quests.

Note: By default, quote tweets / retweets / comments don't gain XP
Note: if still having trouble, (1) tell us which Twitter is linked to your page, (2) show us a screenshot of you liking / retweeting a tweet, and (3) in a ticket to us type /claim

How to connect your twitter on Engage 2 Earn?
First, you need to create a seamless existing DAO after that connect your Twitter to theirs. Once that's done the quest from likes and retweets are under the twitter that you registered in seamless existing DAO.
Note: if you already created an existing DAO you can re-register once again since it will just overwrite it.

What to do about wick bot?
If you're using the wick bot, it will quarantine SOL Decoder after it creates numerous roles. You can try to whitelist the bot to allow creation of those roles - easiest if you make it a trusted admin.
If you want to unquarantine, can do w!uq 927008889092857898

Channels are showing as N/A in my quests list
Make sure to add the SOL Decoder bot role, to your channels. Instructions near the top of this page.

I'm getting a "Could not get your server..." error
Make sure to invite the Bot to your Discord! The link is on the engage-2-earn page, and process also described up above in these instructions.

What to do if I encounter "You don't have enough NFT" error?
Click "add bots/seamless" and scroll down you can see "Enable NFT Check for your Discord Server" and then click your DAO server. This should claim your Discord server to only check your Discord account, which has the right number of NFTs.


What to do if you encounter this error?


Just follow the same thing above. Click "add bots/seamless" and scroll down you can see "Enable NFT Check for your Discord Server" and then click your DAO server.

Customer Service

Of course we are all human here so if you are encountering bugs or having trouble installing "Engage 2 Earn". Don’t hesitate to ask us just go to and create a ticket and one of us will assist you immediately.