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Discord Overview

Below is a summary of our main Discord channels. While some of them will be locked down behind ownership of the NFT - they are all available to view now before the mint.

Community are our public facing channels
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- general - general chat for public users.
- ideas-and-bugs - Discuss new ideas for the site and discord, or bugs you encountered
- twitter-influencers - Shows posts made by dozens of SOL Twitter influencers / analysts. These are then stored in our database to be searched on 
- after-action-report  - Show the successes of mints that was alerted, while trying to analyze what made them so successful

1-NFT-Holders are for those who hold 1 of the NFTs (verified with Matrica)
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- alpha-chat - Talk NFTs and get/give alpha with fellow holders
- daily-mints - Automated posts about upcoming NFTs, along with Twitter/Discord stats
- mint-feed-delayed - any mint URLs the bot picks up from various discords, but on a 10 minute delay. These are otherwise posted live to mint-alerts-automated and raw-mint-feed for 3 NFT holders
analytics-etc - will be used for analytics such as a feed of the top words amongst all Discords over the past day / week etc... Currently shows when names are added to WL tokens in Fox Token market (either officially or by other users)
- decode-bot-commands - see below

 ðŸ¤– Bot Commands users can use in decode-bot-commands:
- /search keyword:... - Does a search on the Discords/Twitters
- /cmid url:... - Takes a URL that has a live mint, and returns mint information and the CMv2 ID on it
- /token address:... - Get Fox Token Market info from a WL token address
- /wallet-tokens: address:... - Get Fox Token Market info for all tokens in an address
- token_name: Same as token, but fetches token data by the token's name rather than the token's address. Params: *name*: The token's name for which data needs to be retrieved
-`add_token_name:` --- Add a custom name to a token. The token must exist in the database and must not already have a custom name. Params: *token*: The token's address, serving as an identifier, *name*: The custom name to give to the token.

3-NFT-Holders are for those who hold 3 of the NFTs (verified with Matrica)
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- triple-alpha-chat - Talk NFTs and get/give alpha with fellow holders
- mint-alerts-automated - see below
- raw-mint-feed - Live feed that is similar to the above mint-alerts-automated, but shows mints even if it comes from a single Discord / Twitter, and shows duplicates of each URL
- discord-inv-parser - Detects when discord links are sent, with the same message having the words "whitelist" "wl" or "og" in it. Perhaps it could be a new NFT where you can get early whitelist to?
giveaway-parser / eth-giveaway-parser - Shows new giveaways that public Discords are hosting

mint-alerts-automated - channel explanation
This is a live feed that parses links from the discords / twitters we watch. It alerts when any link could contain a new mint, before or while it is released. MustThe mint must be linked from two discords before it shows up. Candy Machine ID and mint details are also posted, if found

The majority of the time, people in other discords will just post a link to a new mint, and not tag others. Using this, you no longer need to be in discord / twitter all day to catch certain hyped mints. You also have more confidence in these mints, as multiple discords will be linking / discussing them, thus showing hype and demand