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Discord Overview

Below is a summary of our private Discord channels. These are locked down behind ownership of the NFT.

"Decoder DAO" channels are for those who hold 1 of the NFTs 

image-1651345999134.13.06 PM.png- holder-chat - Talk about whatever with fellow holders
- alpha-chat - Talk NFTs and get/give alpha with fellow holders

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- alpha-calls - Receive buy / sell signals and analysis for NFTs on MagicEden, given by our Alpha Caller
wl-giveaways - Join raffles or FCFS giveaways to get on the whitelists for upcoming mints
- decode-bot-commands - see below
- daily-mints - Automated posts about upcoming NFTs, along with Twitter/Discord stats
- 1h-mint-info - An hour before one of the daily mints comes out, this will show the mint info, recent searches from the Discords we parse, and last two official tweets from their team
analytics- Shows when names are added to WL tokens in Fox Token market along with charts
- mint-feed-delayed - any mint URLs the bot picks up from various discords, but on a 15 minute delay. These are otherwise posted live to mint-alerts and mint-sniffer for 3 NFT holders
- self-roles - Get new roles to get pinged on events in some of the above channels

 ðŸ¤– Bot Commands that SOL Decoder holders can use in decode-bot-commands:
- /search keyword:... - Does a search on the Discords/Twitters
- /cmid url:... - Takes a URL that has a live mint, and returns mint information and the CMv2 ID on it
- /token address:... - Get Fox Token Market info from a WL token address
- /wallet-tokens: address:... - Get Fox Token Market info for all tokens in an address
- token_name: Same as token, but fetches token data by the token's name rather than the token's address. Params: *name*: The token's name for which data needs to be retrieved

Daily Mints Example:
Everyimage-1651344099049.39.39 PM.png day users will get the top 7 mints sent to the Daily Mints channel. Other Discord servers may get this same channel sent to them for holding NFTs - create a ticket to sign up.

- The list of mints are gotten from HowRare and a Google Spreadsheet curated by experts
- The Discord stats allow you at a quick glance you can see which Discords have "bots" in them by looking at the emojis, which compares the # online to # all in Discord
- Twitter stats allow you to see how many followers they have, as well as number of interactions (sum of their comments / likes / retweets)
Our Alpha caller will also discuss in detail the top mint(s) of the day, such as the below call on Okay Bears. Screenshots from our website will be included as well.
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"Analytics" channel example (shows when Fox Tokens get names, plus shows a chart):
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Use this to be among the first to see when a token gets a name on the Fox Token Market. Charts are shown immediately, which can help inform you of a decision to buy the token and flip for a profit later (or buy to mint later).

"alpha-calls" channel example:


"wl-giveaways" channel example:
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"Decoder DAO+++" channels are for those who hold 3 of the NFTs 


- mint-alerts- see below
- mint-sniffer- Live feed that is similar to the above mint-alerts-automated, but shows mints even if it comes from a single Discord / Twitter, and shows duplicates of each URL
- discord-inv-sniffer - Detects when discord links are sent, with the same message having the words "whitelist" "wl" or "og" in it. Perhaps it could be a new NFT where you can get early whitelist to?
giveaway-parser / eth-giveaway-parser - Shows new giveaways that public Discords are hosting
- nft-calls - Receive buy/sell signals on both SOL and ETH NFTs
crypto - Receive buy/sell signals on crypto coins (BTC, ETH, and many alts)
stonks - Receive buy signals for stocks, in the form of "Option" plays

mint-alerts - channel explanation
This is a live feed that parses links from the discords / twitters we watch. It alerts when any link could contain a new mint, before or while it is released. The mint must be linked from two discords before it shows up. Candy Machine ID and mint details are also posted, if found

The majority of the time, people in other discords will just post a link to a new mint, and not tag others. Using this, you no longer need to be in discord / twitter all day to catch certain hyped mints. You also have more confidence in these mints, as multiple discords will be linking / discussing them, thus showing hype and demand

Not listed are three additional channels from the "KingdomNFT" group - an ETH based group with a 2 ETH floor price for their lifetime membership. Live calls are sent everyday, bringing us to 9 total alpha callers!

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