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Discord Bots: An Overview

Our premise has been clear from the very start - to build tools and create utilities that can elevate a trader's experience in the Solana Ecosystem. It is with pride and honor that we present to you SOL Decoder's tools.

AI Tools

When used effectively, ChatGPT can boost many areas of life. See descriptions / examples below. With any of the below, you can ask it to rewrite parts of it, add certain things, or expand upon other areas. Treat it as an employee or super-powered robot helper! It will raise the engagement of your Community and give your Members another reason to spend time your server.

CHAT - Chat with our bot by tagging it or replying to it, utilizing OpenAI and ChatGPT. History is remembered, and can be cleared with /clear. Learn advanced techniques on


CUSTOMIZE THE PFP AND PERSONALITY - Customize the default personality by having it always speak a certain language, or tell it to be sarcastic on all replies, or teach it about your project! Also customize the PFP to match your brand!


CONTEXT MENU - Included context menu commands let you quickly access a variety of AI features. Right click any Discord message to reply to it (and in various tones), generate tweets, fix typos and more.


OVER 120 PERSONALITIES - Using /prompts, have the AI use specific personalities to act as. View the full list with /prompts_list. Act as a Travel Guide, Doctor, or Stand-up Comedian for personal things. Or Act as an Advertiser or IT Architect to help your business.


DREAM - Generate unique and creative images from text prompts using the /dream command. Perfect for visualizing ideas or just having fun! 


SETUP - To setup the bot, just use /ai_setup command and use the on-screen instructions.


For more information please have a look at our AI doc :



Alpha Generating Tools

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DAILY-MINTS - Provides you more insight about a project’s true hype through automated posts about upcoming NFTs, along with its Twitter/Discord stats


1-HR-MINT-INFO - An hour before one of the daily mints comes out, this channel will show the mint info, recent searches from the Discords SOL Decoder analyzes, and the last two official tweets from their team

FOX-TOKEN-ALERTS - Instantly tells you when Famous Fox Federation adds a new name to a Whitelist Token along with a chart that analyzes the activity.

You will also have access to some Special Commands

/token address: Get Famous Fox Federation Token Market info from a WL token address
/wallet_tokens: address: Get Famous Fox Federation Token Market info for all tokens in an address. Params: *address*: Your SOL wallet address.
token_name: Same as token, but fetches token data by the token's name rather than the token's address 
/search: Search through discord messages in database which contain a given keyword. Params: *keyword* - keyword to search for, *page* - which page of results is displayed. We store 25,000+ messages every day from 7+ private discords (one with a floor price of over 100 SOL and another with a floor price of over 50 SOL), as well as dozens of twitter accounts.



MAGIC EDEN PACKAGE - get a hold of an NFT's floor price and TPS by using the following commands respectively: /fp any_magiceden_nft and /tps, We also included a new feature called whale watcher - a channel where you can see your favorite whales' trades.




We also offer:
- ETH NFT bots: FP bot commands and wallet tracking updates
- LMNFT ( See when new SOL or ETH mints get released on LMNFT