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Alpha Bot Installation

5 Easy steps to install SOL Decoder's Alpha-Generating Tools

Step 1:
Head over to our website - 

Step 2:
At the topmost portion of the website, click the "Add Bot To Your Discord Server" button to invite our bot into your server


Step 3:
You will see a thumbnail of your server on our site. Click "ADD" on that specific server where you intend to have the bots installed


Step 4:
Make channels in your Discord server in line with the packages you've added. See examples below:

Analytics, Daily Mints, 1-hr Mint Info, Tomorrow's Mints, and Whale Watcher


Step 5:
Go to your newly created channels in Discord, and click "edit channel" found in the sidebar
1. Click permissions
2. Click "Add Members or Roles"
3. Search for "SOL Decoder"
4. Scroll down till "Text Permissions" and ensure the Bot has the following permissions in that channel 


Now, you're all set up! To verify successful installation, try sending a TEST MESSAGE. If in case this doesn't work, don't hesitate to contact a moderator from SOL Decoder. We don't live in a perfect world, this is why we'll be more than happy to assist.